It's all Happened - April 10th, 2050BCE

Yes, you read right. IT'S ALL HAPPENED.

• My parents have came home. I have put this at the top because it is the best news of all. I thought it might be hard to get used to because it has been so long since we have been all together, but it has been perfect every second. Thank-you gods!

• I figured out a use for the water! Everyone around has thanked me, and even the Pharaoh himself. This is the reason my parents have came home, because of what I did. I dug a long trench from the Nile to my house, and so the overflowing water ran down, and I could water the crops and drink. I called it Irrigation. Once other people had seen what I was doing, they all started doing it too! Everyone!

It made me so happy to find a solution to this. But I am most of all happy that my family is all together again.

I think that Egyptians from this time period will always be remembered. We will be remembered for our detailed religion and afterlife, our clever ways of farming, using natural resources to build houses, mummification, tombs, and much much more! But most of all - our good looks!

• And one more thing that happened - Amun is walking!

Life. Is. Good.
